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Several respondents reported that gardening was a declining activity on St.

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Participants indicated that home gardening could be difficult due to drought and pests, but provided resources and incomes to livelihoods, especially through the production of food products.

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Through a survey of 14 gardenscapes and 11 home interviews, we report 277 plant species, including 31% native and 69% non-native, high plant densities and structural evenness, 260 plants with uses, and a total of 363 uses, especially as ornamental plants (184) and for other environmental services (16), but also food (101), health remedies (50), material uses (10) and symbolic services (2). Eustatius, a small Caribbean island, focusing on how plants growing around a home contribute to ecological and ethnobotanical measures of plant diversity, and how residents value the importance of gardens to their livelihoods. As sites of ecological restoration, gardens transform small-scale landscapes toward higher plant richness and density. Home gardens are an important topic for landscape research due to their intersectional contributions to plant diversity conservation and local livelihoods.

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